Wednesday, December 26, 2012

While Waiting on the Build, I Write an App

The build's slow, but chugging away steadily, so it's back to looking through the slides with google-mediated side-trips.

 I finally finish the introductory material, about things like licenses and lawsuits, and get to section 1: "Android Internals"

At some point, perhaps the mention of Views and Viewgroups in slide 53, I wind up in the training tab of and think, "Oh, what the heck," so I set out to build their "My First Android App."

It's pretty fun, makes me use Eclipse and Java, neither of which I'm comfy with, but they're already installed, so it's another "opportunity for growth."

Sure enough, after following instructions, I end up with a two-activity application running on the Beaglebone.  Now that's cool.

I also confirm that a real mouse, plugged into my host, actually lets me scroll around on the VNC'd Android GUI. Phew. If I still couldn't do that, I'd be in trouble.

The next step in their training is managing the app lifecycle, which meshes perfectly with slide 46. I could also try getting the app onto my cell phone. Plenty of directions to go.

Right now, though, I have to pack up and go home, with a stop at King Soops along the way, so I can pick up a cake for tonight's Wednesday night jam.

The build's still chugging away;  I'll just let it run in the back seat of my car while I'm shopping.

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